Learn to love learning.

Find a subject you enjoy and use it to better the world.

Pursuing your education can become a bore.

Education is an integral part of society. The reason our lives have improved in almost any way is because a passionate person used their education to do so.
I want students to feel like they can become one of these innovators and feel excited about it along the way.

Photo taken by Varsha Balaji at the Mississippi River.

How can I help you learn?

Do you struggle with the way your instructor teaches? It’s very rarely their fault, but it’s frustrating to realize that your class time is not going toward your understanding. Does the language in a textbook put you to sleep? My lessons are in textbook form, but simplified to the high school-level. Do you find school uninteresting or unhelpful? My blog posts are written to engage and encourage students to learn because they want to. Because they believe that they can take their learning and feed its benefits back into society.