Varsha Balaji Varsha Balaji

Welcome to the STEM+log!


My name is Varsha Balaji and I am a university student hoping to provide helpful materials for students in high school (and possibly older as I progress) to aid in understanding.

I believe very strongly that education is the key to success and happiness and that we could improve our world so significantly if everyone had access to quality education, so I hope to contribute to that with STEMPlus.

This is the STEM+log! I will occasionally post non-educational or informative content here that I feel is still relevant, because I believe that the most important part of STEM education is to relate back to our humanity.

The materials posted as of today (Jan. 4, 2025) are all pieces I wrote during high school to help myself and my classmates better understand or master the topic at hand, and I intend to keep updating each course and adding new ones as I have the time for.

All illustrations on the site are created by me. All educational material is created by me. Any photos on the site are either taken by me or taken from the public domain.

I hope you find it helpful here! Feel free to reach out using the Contact page if you want a certain topic to be posted about on the Lessons pages or on the STEM+log!

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